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5 DIY Valentine's Day ideas

Valentine's Day is just around the corner, and you still don't have a gift for your loved one? That's okay - today I'll try to inspire you to create an original gift with your own hands using a cutting plotter. I'll show you five DIY gift ideas that are sure to delight the gifted person.


Love card


A love note is a classic when it comes to Valentine's Day. Wanting to give someone this type of gift, it is worth taking care of both the appropriate content and its appearance. To make an aesthetically pleasing heart-shaped card, all you need is a simple pattern, which you can make yourself or download. It will not take too long to cut out the elements from colored technical paper and put them together. Just write the content of the love message and the card is ready!

Original mug


If you prefer practical gifts that will serve the recipient every day, it is worth betting on a personalized mug. You can make it in several ways - by sublimation using a dedicated printer, paper and press. However, if you don't deal with sublimation on a daily basis and don't have the necessary equipment and materials, you can make a mug using self-adhesive film, which you simply cut out with a plotter and apply to the mug with a transfer film. Just keep in mind that a mug made this way is not dishwasher safe.

Personalized T-shirt


Another suggestion for a gift that will serve a loved one on a daily basis is an original T-shirt, which can be made using heat-transfer film. All you need to do is cut out the selected design with a plotter. Be sure to do it in a mirror image! Then, in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations, you need to indent the film into the selected fabric using a dedicated press or iron.

Love coupon


If you have several ideas for spending Valentine's Day, you can leave the final choice to your other half. This, too, can be done in an original way, such as gifting her with a romantic love coupon, from which she will choose and snatch a ticket to the event of her choice. It could be a dinner, a movie, a massage or a concert. All you have to do is cut out the coupon in approximately 250g paper and fill in the individual tickets yourself with your ideas!

My suggestions should not cause any problems for those who own a cutting plotter. I hope I have inspired you to create Valentine's Day gifts for yourself or others. After all, you can also create for the love of creativity!

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Made by: Michał Desol